The Campaign of 1815

“The campaign of 1815” is a comprehensive and unique source study of Napoleon’s last campaign, written and published by Pierre de Wit. It has been compiled from hundreds of sources from archives and other collections from all the nations which were involved in this iconic campaign. It comprises a series of nine volumes plus an atlas, which will be published in a very limited edition between 2022 and 2026. Considering its very limited edition, the full series will not be available as one purchase from 2026 onwards, but all individual volumes are an absolute must-have for anyone with a strong interest in this campaign !

The full study is dedicated to the lark (Alauda arvensis)5

Volume 1

Covering the period from March to 14th June 1815, this first volume deals with the return of Napoleon, and the resulting establishment of the Seventh Coalition. The defensive and offensive background of the allied forces in the Netherlands, as well as the plans and preparations of Napoleon are described in great detail and put in a grand strategic context.

Hardcover, 16 x 24 cm 
Illustrations, notes, sources, index
Number of pages: 554
Publication date:  February 2022
Price: € 39,50

Volume 2

This volume deals in detail with the first day of Napoleon’s invasion of the Netherlands, as well as with Wellington’s and Blücher’s countermeasures.

Hardcover, 16 x 24 cm 
Illustrations, notes, sources, index
Number of pages: 388
Publication date: June 2022
Price: € 29,50

Volume 3

This volume meticulously describes the battle of Ligny, as well as the French and Prussian activities which preceded it. Extensive tactical and strategical observations put the battle in a grand perspective.

Hardcover, 16 x 24 cm 
Illustrations, notes, sources, index
Number of pages: 287
Publication date: November 2022
Price: € 29,50

Volume 4

This volume comprises a detailed description of the battle of Quatre Bras, as well as the French and Anglo-allied activities which preceded it. Tactical and strategic observations put the battle in perspective and an extensive chapter is dedicated to d’Erlon’s wanderings between the battlefields of Quatre Bras and Ligny.

Hardcover, 16 x 24 cm 
Illustrations, notes, sources, index
Number of pages: 405
Publication date: April 2023
Price: € 31,00

Volume 5

This volume covers the retreat of the armies of Blücher and Wellington on the 17th June, as well as the French pursuit by both Napoleon and Grouchy. It also contains the grand strategic dimensions in which the battle of Waterloo should be seen.

Hardcover, 16 x 24 cm 
Illustrations, notes, sources, index
Number of pages : 366
Publication date: December 2023
Price: € 31,00

Volume 6

This volume is the first of a set of two, describing the battle of Waterloo in detail. This volume comprises the battle from its preambles up to around 4 p.m. The Prussian flank march, as well as tactical observations about the battle so far, are also included in this volume.

Hardcover, 16 x 24 cm 
Illustrations, notes, sources, index
Number of pages: 475
Publication date: October 2024
Price: € 35,00

Volume 7

This volume is the second of a set of two, describing the battle of Waterloo. This volume comprises the battle from around 4 p.m. to its end. It contains not only tactical, but also general observations about the battle.

Hardcover, 16 x 24 cm 
Illustrations, notes, sources, index
Number of pages: 475
Publication date: 2025
Price: to be determined

Volume 8

Starting with the actions of Grouchy at Wavre and the retreat of the Armée du Nord, this volume deals with the invasion of France by the forces of the coalition and its aftermath.

Hardcover, 16 x 24 cm 
Illustrations, notes, sources, index
Number of pages: 450
Publication date: 2025
Price: to be determined

Volume 9

The non-British sources used for all preceding volumes are published in their original languages in this volume, as well as a number of general observations about the campaign. 

Hardcover, 16 x 24 cm
Illustrations, notes, sources, index
Number of pages: 430
Publication date: 2025
Price: to be determined

Volume 10

This volume comprises full colour maps depicting the theatres of war, covering the period from March to July 1815.

Hardcover, 21 x 29,5 cm 
Number of pages: 120
Publication date: 2026
Price: to be determined